APCICT to extend ICT capacity development programme to more beneficiaries in Myanmar and the Philippines
APCICT to enhance the ICTD capacity of government officials in Myanmar and raise ICTD awareness among academics
On 07-12 March, the Asian and Pacific Training Centre for Information and Communication Technology for Development (UN-APCICT/ESCAP), a regional institute of ESCAP, will organize the Second ICT Capacity Building Workshop at the Central Institute of Civil Service in Phaunggyi, Myanmar, in partnership with the Civil Service Selection and Training Board (CSSTB).
The workshop will deliver training on the ‘technical cluster’ of modules of the “Academy of ICT Essentials” (Academy) programme to 50 mid-level government officials and trainers from over 18 ministries. The Academy’s ‘technical cluster’ of modules cover emerging trends for government leaders, information security in today’s digital age, and ICT project management frameworks.
CSSTB, in partnership with APCICT, plans to deliver Academy content in annual workshops designed to strengthen Myanmar’s ICT human resources and institutional capacity. To facilitate use of the Academy, CSSTB has already translated the first 3 modules of the Academy and plans to translate the rest.
The Workshop builds upon last year’s successful launch of the Academy in Myanmar, which sensitized government officials and trainers on the foundational concepts of use of ICT for socio-economic development (ICTD).
APCICT will also be partnering with CSSTB to co-organize an "Awareness Lecture on ICT for Development” on 7-8 March targeting 1,000 lecturers, professors, and other representatives from academia to help bring the benefits of ICTD learning to students and youth in Myanmar. The two-day lecture will highlight the linkage between ICT and socio-economic development and is part of CSSTB’s month-long refresher course regularly offered to academics in Myanmar.
APCICT to partner with the Government of the Philippines to deliver ICTD training to a wider range of government officials
On 24 March, APCICT and the National Computer Institute (NCI), of the National Computer Center under the Commission of Information and Communications Technology of the Philippines, will welcome over 100 national, provincial and local government officials in Quezon City to launch the Academy programme.
The launch of the Academy in partnership with NCI is designed to bring Academy content and training to local and provincial leaders in the Philippines.
NCI is the training arm of the National Computer Center with a mandate to strengthen the ICT capacity of government officials and public servants in education sector.
The Academy programme in the Philippines was first launched in 2009, in partnership with the Career Executive Service Board (CESB), which has a mandate to train senior-level government officials. CESB has gone on to integrate the Academy in its capacity building framework and train over 500 government officials based on Academy content.
APCICT and NCI will also co-organize an inception meeting on 25 March with over 30 University and College Presidents to discuss strategies to implement APCICT’s "Strengthening ICTD Education in Institutions of Higher Learning” project to strengthen the ICTD component in educational curricula in the Philippines.
To achieve the country's development goals of the coming decades, the future leaders and workforce of the Philippines will need to have a strong understanding of ICTD.