The project Mobile Seva led by Dr. Rajendra Kumar, Joint Secretary of the Department of Electronics and IT of the Government of India and chairman of UN-APCICT’s 8th Governing Council, has been awarded the United Nations Public Service Award.
Advances in ICT have enabled improvement in the accessibility, quality and cost-effectiveness of public services. Mobile technology, for example, has made it possible to develop platforms and applications for wider delivery of public information and services to citizens and businesses. This is evidenced especially in rural areas, where the growing penetration of mobile phones has made it possible to increase people’s access to government services.
Recognizing the importance of good governance as a critical enabler for sustainable development, the United Nations Public Service Awards aims to promote innovation and excellence in public service. It is organized annually by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) to reward the achievements and contributions of public service institutions that lead efforts to improve public administration and services.
This year, the project Mobile Seva , led by Dr. Rajendra Kumar, Joint Secretary of the Department of Electronics and IT of the Government of India and chairman of UN-APCICT’s 8th Governing Council, was awarded the United Nations Public Service Award. Competing in the category “Promoting Whole of Government Approaches in the Information Age,” the initiative was awarded the second place in the Asia-Pacific region for providing a centralized cloud-based mobile platform for e-government. The project has enabled government departments in India to effectively deliver public services to citizens and businesses utilizing SMS and mobile applications. It has significantly increased access to e-governance services, with over 1,000 government departments and agencies in India participating in the initiative to date.
Other winners from Asia-Pacific include:
a) Category 1: Improving the delivery of public services
Ageing-In-Place Programme by Alexandra Health System, Singapore
Initiative to enable elderly households to enjoy the benefits of continuing to live in a familiar environment by right-sizing to a Studio Apartment (SA) near their existing flat.
b) Category 2: Fostering participation in public policy-making decisions through innovative mechanisms
Community Participation for Effective Malaria Management in Tha Song Yang Di by the Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Health, Thailand
The project aims to reduce malaria mortality and morbidity rate and prevent the transmission of malaria through building the capacities of communities.
Building the Best Neighborhood Project by Changwon City, Republic of Korea
This contest to create a rural-centric village has encouraged residents to participate in the recovery of the village community.
c) Category 3: Promoting Whole of Government Approaches in the Information Age
Social Security Information System (SSIS) by Korea Health and Welfare Information Service, Republic of Korea
Initiative by the Korean government to improve the efficiency and transparency of welfare benefits through the establishment of a social security information system.
d) Category 4: Promoting Gender Responsive Delivery of Public Services
One Stop Crisis Centre by Khon Kaen Hospital, Thailand
The initiative was launch in 2013 to bolster efforts to respond to and prevent violence against women and girls after Thailand joined UN Women’s newest global initiative, COMMIT.
The One Stop Crisis Centre (OSCC) includes a hotline operated by trained staff, a network of 22,000 crisis centres around the country and 1,300 mobile units to access communities nationwide. They receive complaints, transfer cases and coordinate responses between Government agencies. The mobile units raise public awareness and lead interventions in communities where complaints have been received.
About United Nations Public Service Awards
Organized by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), the United Nations Public Service Awards is the most prestigious international recognition of excellence in public service. Through this annual competition, it rewards the achievements and contributions of public service institutions that lead efforts to improve public administration and services.